My Work
Carmen López
Psychologist. Master in Human Resources.
My goal is to assess and develop the Psychological Capital of companies and individuals so they can reach their personal and financial goals. I do it using Business Psychology to reduce stress, boosting the motivation, assessing
candidates and developing projects and interventions.
It´s a difficult job because most of the times, the client has to listen to uncomfortable truths, step out of their comfort zone and make changes in long established routines. Not everybody is willing to do it, but when you do it great things happen.
I look for people and companies who want to be at the top, who want to change and are willing to take the necessary steps to reach their goals.
Are you one of them? Shall we start to work on it?
Carmen López
+41 791 79 58 11
Carmen López Hernández
Master in Human Resources Management with honors.
Lic. phil. Psychologist.
I enjoy working with people. That´s why I studied Psychology. I´m interested on their goals and their dreams, therefore after that I studied a Master in Human Resources. I graduated with honors. I worked at recruitment and as Headhunter and there I learnt that some people stand out in their job, fulfil their dreams and push the society forward.
I wanted to know more, so I looked for the those talents by myself. I wanted to meet the most successful people. I interviewed for 6 months all around Spain professionals that stood exceptionally out at their works. Ouka Leele (National Photography Prize), Carlos Barrabés (owner of barrabé, the humorists Tricicle, the dancer Victor Ullate (National dance Prize), the Mayú Maná theater company, the publicist Luis Bassat…
After that I wanted to walk in their shoes and find out if what I had lernt from them was useful. I founded my own company, It was a media company, with a family-oriented website and a magazine in Murcia (Spain). After less than a year we were the number one media for families in Murcia and in three years we had 10.000 magazines each semester in the streets and 500 visits each day on the web. I was successful. My conclusion: Talent can be learned. Talent can be taught.
Now I live in Switzerland in Canton Glarus, and my mission is help to develop people and companies with business psychologie so they can achieve their goals.
2003-2004 Master in Human Resources Management, Murcia University (Spain) with honors.
1996-2002 Lic. phil. Psychologist, Almería University (Spain) Graduated in clinical Psychology.
Further Education
2017 Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change. Case Western Reserve University.
2016 People Analitics, Warton Executive Education. Pennsylvania Universität.
2015 Inspiring Leadership though Emotional Intelligence, Case Western Reserve University.
2003 Teammanagement, Murcia Chamber of Commerce.
2003 Training as sales expert, Murcia Chamber of Commerce.
2003 Conception and execution of competence-based job interviews. Murcia Chamber of Commerce.
2002 The human factor in improving management. "A good working atmosphere and a high level of motivation with our employees". Chamber of Commerce of Almería.
2001 International Congress of Clinical Psychology. Spanish Psychological Association AEPAP.
2001 Therapy for Autism. Centro de psicologia Alborán. Granada.
2001 Analysis of behaviour. ACT therapy. University of Almería.
1998 Social skills. University of Almería.
1998 Dissociative disorders. University of Almería.
1997 Progress in the assessment and treatment of schizophrenia. Centre for Psychology and Health. Granada.
Professional Career
Psychology in the business world. Psychological advice and intervention for companies, professionals and workers on topics such as stress, motivation, teamwork and performance using the latest scientific advances in neurology and psychology.
2015/16 RESEARCHER in the field of talent in Switzerland. Independent.
Study on the talent of talented managers in Switzerland. Development of interviews and contact with the managers. Analysis of information.
2013 KINDERGARTEN, Näfels (for German learning purpose)
Kindergarten Assistant
Support of the teacher in all matters
Spanish lessons for children
Establishing contacts with pedagogical experts in Switzerland
2007-2013 KIDDA.ES (Murcia, Spain). For parents with children from 0 to 12 years
Management Web and Magazine
Web, magazine and book for services for parents with kids 0-12
Project design, market analysis, web design development
Lead generation (B2B), contract negotiations
Website implementation, advertising to end customers
Design and development of the print version, book distribution.
2005-2006 TALENT RESEARCH (independent research)
My interest in successful people led me to a talent research during a year to learn from them. Interviews with the most successful people in Spain in business, science, art and culture with Ouka Leele (photographer), Carlos Barrabés (entrepreneur), Victor Ullate (choreographer), etc.
2002-2004 INVERNADEROS FERRER S.L. (Almería). Human Resources Management
HRM - Assessment & Performance Management
Recruitment and assessment centre
Work and job sequence analysis
Process coordination
Performance measurement
2001-2002 CONSULTING ETT SL (Almería). Executive Search & Recruitment
Acquisition of highly qualified profiles
Recruitment and headhunting of specialists & managers
Practice in clinical psychology assessment and therapy.
Practice Clinical Psychology.