Alexander Aeby
Comet Group
" Working with you has helped me develop professionally as well as personally. My team has also benefited directly from it.
For all my needs, you gave me different tools:
- Team leadership in the home office.
- Promoting intrinsic motivation in the team.
- Leadership skills, self-criticism.
- Delegating, giving more responsibility to the team.
- Stress reduction.
Thank you for everything"
Nicole Graber
Architectural Draftswoman
"I sought professional help from Carmen in late 2019. She was friendly and loving from the beginning. During our conversations I felt very comfortable and understood. I was able to open up quickly and talk to her about all my problems.
Carmen is very eager to help you and tries to give you thoughts, exercises, solutions or tips after each conversation. I was able to take something back with me from each conversation, which led step by step to the solution of my problems and brought me back into balance.
It is remarkable that the consultation can be done in German as well as in Spanish or English. Making appointments is absolutely no problem and definitely no attention is paid to the seconds.
I appreciate Carmen's open, cordial and sympathetic nature very much and I can recommend her with a clear conscience. You can tell immediately that she enjoys her work and that she cares about the well-being of her counterpart.
Thank you very much for the interesting and helpful conversation (in person or via Skype in Corona time), for your kindness and effort.
Thanks Carmen!"
Markus Sütterlin
Head of Wastewater Department
Municipality Küssnacht
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work over the past five months. With your authentic and open way of acting, your perseverance as well as your interest in my problems you have taught me to recognize them, face them actively and change. I appreciated your thoroughness, rigor - which was not always easy to look at - and punctuality in meetings.
Thanks again for everything."
Arthur Loosen
CEO Wishellio Academy
CEO Intosya
"Carmen Lopez's work is very helpful to me on several levels.
The first level is personal, the exchange of ideas with a sparring about the situation as an entrepreneur. Personal discussion on an independent basis about one's own understanding of entrepreneurship. The description of the road travelled until now, the current situation and the look to the future. The presentation of one's own attitudes and values.
The next level is business, the formulation of goals. The exchange of ideas on objectives, obstacles, implementation and their formulation is doubly memorable.
And last but not least, taking the time to step out of everyday life and be accompanied by a professional is an added value. It is not the same to talk to friends or relatives about the image one has of oneself as an entrepreneur as it is to talk to a professional. It is a nonjudgmental accompaniment at the same level.
Thank you, Carmen."
Mauricio Alvarez-Reyes
MSc, PhD
Market Access Director, International/Europe
Tesaro Bio GmbH
"I have worked with Carmen since January 2019. I first approached Carmen to help me with my Emotional Intelligence. At the time I contacted Carmen, I was going through a difficult time at work and at home. I was very aware that my emotional reactions were affecting my personal and professional lives. Carmen helped me identify behavioral patterns that led to emotional bursts affecting my communications. The results of this work was almost immediate, particularly at home in my relationship with my children.
In addition, Carmen helped me in establishing a framework for structuring my messages for effective communications. After applying this framework to my daily interactions with colleagues, I have managed to deliver clearer messages, particularly when explaining complex issues/subjects.
Our work together has enable me to be a more effective communicator, a better father and husband, a better person as a whole. I am very grateful to have worked with Carmen and for all we have accomplished in a very short period of time."
"Eben sah ich dein Video "Beginnen Sie am Ende" und habe mir das angehört, was Du dazu sagst. Ich musste so schmunzeln, weil es perfekt zu dem passt, was ich gerade machen muss... Fünf Wohnungen schnellstmöglich in 3D einrichten und visualisieren. Und so ein Zeitdruck führt bei mir oft zu Prokrastination.
Dann habe ich mir - wie Du empfiehlst - mal das Projekt schon fertig vorgestellt... welche ästhetische und emotionale Qualität es haben soll. Und voilá, der Elan ist wieder da, man kann gar nicht schnell genug damit anfangen und die Vorfreude übersteigt das Gefühl von Unsicherheit.
Deine Technik funktioniert gut! Kompliment!
Liebe Grüße & Dank für Deine großzügige Art, Dein Wissen zu teilen!