An experiment conducted in 2018 showed that people who gave something to another person at work felt happier and less depressed with both their work and their life, and those who received the gift were infected and went on to be nearly 300% more generous after the experiment.
You can put this into practice in your own office and watch how your employees’ moods are boosted. Establish this policy: each employee does five kind gestures for a coworker each month (e.g. bringing coffee, congratulating them, helping them, listening, etc)
1) Everyone should freely choose the kind gesture and the person to whom it is addressed, but it is necessary to vary.
2) The boss has to lead this movement by example!
3) Each person keeps a record of the kind gestures he or she has received.
4) At the end of each month everyone writes down how the
atmosphere in the company has changed for them. In a meeting, they share their experiences.
Friendliness is contagious and the working environment will undoubtedly improve. But you have to be proactive to get it going and make it work.
I wish you a great day!
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